Helping Others

Hoffman is donating ten percent of his net profits from book sales, as well as providing an opportunity for an annual reader’s choice donation. His selected local charity is the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders, Inc.

NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated DisordersAs the nation’s first Center of Excellence for Tourette Syndrome, NJCTS is committed to the advocacy of children and families with Tourette Syndrome and its associated disorders. Dedicated to delivering high quality services to these individuals, the Center recognizes the importance of educating the public, medical professionals, and teachers about this disorder through programs and affiliations with public schools, health centers, and universities. To ensure that individuals with Tourette Syndrome are contributing members of their communities and society at large, the Center is committed to leading the promotion and development of diagnostic and treatment therapies and actively supporting research for a cure.

Any support that you can give to this worthwhile charity will make a difference!